Delia's Song

Delia whistled a different tune, what tune could that be?

Friday, June 30, 2006

Under the Sea(world)

After Mom and Dad had recovered from their Mexican adventure, they took me to SeaWorld. Here I am at Bat Ray Shallows. I liked splashing in the water so much that I didn't even notice the giant, man-eating bat rays swimming at me.

Later, we went to the tidepool. Dad told me to tell you that this is a sea star, because you might think that it is a starfish. There is nothing fishy about it.
Watch me do my sea turtle impersonation:

Viva Mexico

Last weekend, Mom and Dad left me alone for a whole night for the first time to go to a wedding in Mexico.

They had a great time and said that it was beautiful. But Dad won't tell me what he's hiding behind his back. If anyone has any guesses, you should post them in the comments.

Mom and Dad both made it home safely; but they reeked of agave. Apparently there are some fairly humiliating pictures of Dad floating about. Here is an artist's rendering, based on eyewitness accounts:

If only I could get hold of them, I would have great blackmail material.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Pomp and Circumstance

On June 15, Mom graduated from college. She says she was on the nine year plan. Nine years of the college life sounds good to me. Dad says that Mom is not the good example she pretends to be.

Here is Mom and me at her graduation.

Grandma Karen, Grandpa Bruce, and Uncle Tyler came to visit. I taught Grandpa Bruce how to play the baby xylophone.

I told him that I was going to be the next Nora Jones. Dad says that he likes that idea because then he will get to stay at a quality old folks home.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

A Lazy, Hazy, Oregon Sunday

I have to tell you about my first trip to the Oregon coast. (Some people might call it the beach. Beaches involve sun and warmth; two things rarely found at the Oregon coast.)

I love sand.

It gets everywhere.

And adds neat highlights to your hair.

Mom walked me down to the water.

And let the cold Pacific lap at my ankles.

But she made up for it with a warm hug.

The Oregon coast is a nice place to spend a Sunday and contemplate your navel. Whatever a navel is.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

My Life of Crime

Mom had a bunch of her classmates over to celebrate their pending graduation.

While no one was looking, I went through their purses.

Or at least I thought no one was looking; I got caught red-handed.

So it is back to baby jail for me.

Can someone help me post bail?

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

There's a Lot of Things About Oregon that I'm Gonna Miss...

Its pears are not among them.

What is a baby to do when her parents insist on making their own baby food?

I'm still not a fan of these Cheerios either.

So I says to my Mom, "Woman!"

The folks at Earth's Best and Gerber's Tender Harvest pay me good money to refuse to eat this garbage!

But don't worry, I will have my revenge on these swine yet.