Delia's Song

Delia whistled a different tune, what tune could that be?

Friday, May 30, 2008

Sun time, fun time!

Now that the weather has turned warm I get to play outside a lot more. Here I am on Memorial Day weekend with my cousin Ashley playing on the porch of our Great Grandma's house.

Then today we went to the park here in town. I got to slide (one of my favorite activities!)

Try my hand at rock climbing (think I need to build some more upper body strength)

and play on the monkey bars.

But the best part of any day is helping my baby brother learn how to do new things, like how to play with some new toys.

What would he do without me?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Fun Times

I know it has been a long time since I posted anything, but I have a very active social calendar that requires my constant attention. Most recently I have been spotted at the Irish Pub dancing my little heart out.

Here I am entertaining some of my little friends. They like to play hide and seek.

Of course I have to stay up to date with my reading.

Then there is the most important task I have... baby tickling!!!!

Here I am making my baby brother laugh.

Is there anything better?

Friday, May 02, 2008

Ahhh, Spring!

Up here in the mountains spring time can be a little slow to come around. But it is here at last!

Of course, that means there is a lot of work to be done outside. First, the grass needs mowed...

then the walkways need swept.

The last step is to help Mother Nature add a little color to the scenery.

Another fine masterpiece!