Delia's Song

Delia whistled a different tune, what tune could that be?

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Scene: Ashland, Act II: Summer Shakespeare

From Crater Lake (see post below), Mom, Dad, and I went to Ashland Oregon for the Shakespeare festival again. Here are some pictures of Ashland:
Here is our historic hotel:
Mom and Dad went to see the Two Gentleman of Verona in an outdoor theatre. They left me in a cage while they went to the show:
Just kidding. That's just me playing under the table at the pub where Dad took this picture:
Dad should really stop taking me to pubs, even if he is lured in by the smell of BBQ and the sound of bluegrass.

Last time I was in Ashland, this was about all I could do while Mom and Dad had lunch:
Look at me in Ashland this time:
Mom says that I have been developmentally ready to give myself a bottle for a long time now and that it is about time that I did so. I don't know what developmentally means, but I do know that it is not my fault that I am spoiled. Right Dad?

The Quarter Doesn't Do it Justice

You know those state quarters? Crater Lake National Park is on Oregon's. The quarter doesn't do it justice. Neither do these pictures. Neither do any pictures ever taken. But I'll share the pictures that Mom and Dad took. I don't have much else to say about them except: 1) I'm glad Mom and Dad took me before we left Oregon, and 2) I'm glad I wasn't there when it was formed.

Here is Mom, Dad, and me on the shore of the lake. We hiked down a 1.1 mile trail that descended 750 verticle feet down the side of the crater. I'm glad I can't walk yet; all the grown ups looked tired.

That is the "phantom ship," which is actually a rock formation that is left from a mini volcano that was outside of Mt. Mazama before it erupted. When Mt. Mazama collapsed, it took most of this volcano with it.They call these "the pinnacles." They are casts of "fumaroles," which were gas passages through the molten lava as it rolled down the valley. Over thousands of years, the creek below eroded the ash and lava from around the pinnacles, but the minerals that were in the gas formed these strange deposits.
After a dusty day on trails paved with volcanic ash, a baby needs a bath and a warm towel.

Summertime, and the Livin's Easy...

Mom and Dad got me a pool to cool off in.

But sometimes Dad misses when he tries to put me in it.

Monday, July 10, 2006

A Day at the Fair

Today, Mom and Dad took me to the Oregon Country Fair. This is unlike any other fair I will probably ever go to.
They sell fresh produce:
They have human video games. The little girl in the foreground has the controller:
Mom and Dad said the next that we are here I can play in the mud too:

How Much for that Box Over There?

Mom and Dad had a moving sale. They kept saying that they wanted to "lighten their load" for their move back east. Apparently, I'm a bigger burden than I imagined.

As you can imagine, I was a bit hurt. I tried to steal the car but to no avail; I still can't reach the pedals.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

And the Rocket's Red Glare

On my first fourth of July all of the neighbors took turns blowing things up in the middle of our cul-de-sac. As it turns out, I have no fear of fireworks. Here are Mom and Dad violating the warning on the sparkler box that cleary said, "Keep away from children."

Saturday, July 01, 2006

My Favorite Oasis

Our first day in San Diego, Mom and Dad took me for a hike in the mountains in eastern San Diego County with Dad's college friends Chris and Miriam. It was very hot. But they rewarded my tremendous patience with a dip in a cool mountain stream.